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Does watching kufr in movies (Thor Magic) takes one out of Islam cuz of ayah "you're then like them"
Watching movies with magic, sorcery invalidate prayers of 40 days? (Harry Potter, Dr Strange) Assim
Enjoys watching Kufr things on TV, does this take one out of the folds of Islam? assim al hakeem JAL
Is a person kafir who boasts about the movies & songs he has watched & heard? - Assim al hakeem
Is watching the materials that contain Kufr or Shirk take us out of the fold of Islam?
Is it Haram to watch or read something that has a Kufr Name in it such as "Magic" | Assim Al Hakeem
Listening to songs of kufr or sitting with someone who mocks Islam makes person kafir? Assimalhakeem
Haram games in ISLAM #religion #islamicvideo
Is it shirk or kufr to watch a video that shows shirk or the presenter wears taweez? Assim al hakeem
Does major sins, kufr, shirk out of ignorance take a person out of the fold of Islam assim al hakeem
Haram Jobs For Muslims
stop watching anime. #memes #islam #islamic #muslim #Allah #God